Managing value in concentrated liquidity pools is complex. LP tokenholders need a better experience across different rebalancers and compatible decentralised exchanges.

Cargo Protocol brings transparency to the LP management services market for DEXs, while reducing operational friction for all participants. Our flagship product is the Aggregator.


Select a rebalancer to autonomously manage your Uniswap V3 LP tokens. Compare strategies, send, withdraw and re-distribute among different protocols. All in one place.

  • Enhanced portfolio management of LP tokens in Uni V3
  • Data analytics and key statistics to aid decision making
  • Seamless integration with market-leading rebalancers
Get in touch
Cargo Protocol manages LP tokens in concentrated liquidity pools to give a better experience across different rebalancers and compatible decentralised exchanges.

Cargo Labs is in service of a DAO. The project is self-funded and key contributions come from the core team.

Once the DAO is running and the viability of tools are proven empirically, we will incept a transition to a DAO structure. There are multiple decisions that require community when it comes to DeFi. Some can be taken unilaterally in the early stages, but we believe that a DAO structure and the engagement of protocol stewards external to Cargo Labs would infinitely improve the protocol’s long term survivability and innovative streak.

Community decisions are important such as which chains to target for the next deployment, which are strategies fit for different profiles, as well as which rebalancer protocols themselves should be allowed on the aggregator. All of these decisions should be decided by the community, rather than a group of individuals that stood at inception.

Ports visited:

First Prize: Novel Concept

Shipping Manifest




Aggregator deployed on testnet. Draft UI complete.




Smart contract integrated with several top LP Management services and frontend complete.




Integration complete with all the current and active rebalancer strategies.




Ancillary products integrations commence. DAO transition.